2024年04月21日 21:19
张梦晗,博士,讲师,《Land Use Policy》、《Biodiversity and Conservation》等期刊审稿人,曾任《风景园林》美术编辑
[1]Menghan Zhang,YueYu,MeiziLiu,JingyiLiu*. Opportunities for China’s Agricultural Heritage Systems under the “Digital Nomadism” Trend—A Stakeholder-Weighted Approach. Sustainability 2024, 16, 2918.
[2]Jingyi Liu,Qianqian Yan,Menghan Zhang*.Ecosystem carbon storage considering combinedenvironmental and land-use changes in the future and pathways to carbon neutrality in developedregions, Science of The Total Environment, 2023, 903: 166204.
[3]Mo Wang,Zhiyu Jiang,Rana Muhammad Adnan Ikram,Chuanhao Sun,Menghan Zhang*,Jianjun Li*.Global Paradigm Shifts in Urban Stormwater Management Optimization: A Bibliometric Analysis,Water, 2023, 15(23): 4122.
[4] Jingyi Liu*,Menghan Zhang. The evolution and impacts of“complexity notions”in landscape architecture[J]. Landscape Research, 2023: 1-18.
[5]Menghan Zhang,Jingyi Liu*.Does Agroforestry Correlate with the Sustainability ofAgricultural Landscapes? Evidence from China’s Nationally Important Agricultural HeritageSystems, Sustainability, 2022, 14(12): 7239.
[6]Jingyi Liu,Menghan Zhang,Yu Xia,Huisen Zheng,Chongxian Chen*.Using agent-basedmodeling to assess multiple strategy options and trade-offs for the sustainable urbanization ofcultural landscapes: A case in Nansha, China, Landscape and Urban Planning, 2022, 228:104555.
[7]张梦晗, 刘京一, 史敏, 林箐*. 农林复合土地利用模式与农业文化遗产景观可持续性的相关性, 风景园林, 2022, 29(4): 47-53.
[8] Jingyi Liu*,Menghan Zhang, Nikita Nikita. Agent-based design research to explore the effectiveness of bottom-up organizational design in shaping sustainable vernacular landscapes: A case in Hailar, China[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2021, 205.
[9]刘京一,张梦晗, 李欣怡, 陈崇贤*. 复杂景观的认知与设计:Mapping的作用、逻辑与机制研究.景观设计学,2021,9(05):80-102.
[10]Menghan Zhang, The Management of Flood Respond to Climate Changes from the Perspective of Landscape Planning. 54th ISOCARP Congress collected papers, 2018: 1252-1263.
[11]Menghan Zhang, Symbiosis with Rivers: Guangzhou Urban Renewal Plan through Phased Strategy of Ecological Restoration. 2018 IFLA World Congress collected papers, 2018: 1504-1012.
[12] 刘京一,张梦晗, 林箐*.演化的风景:自下而上创造呼伦贝尔弹性游牧景观[J]. 中国园林, 2018(3):63-69.
[13] 刘京一,张梦晗. ASLA年会与博览会的概况与分析——兼论行业会议的影响力[J]. 风景园林,2018,25(07):101-106.
[14] 刘京一,张梦晗. 复杂性视角下的生态设计——以呼伦贝尔游牧景观概念性设计为例[J]. 景观设计学, 2018, 6(05): 102-119.
[1] 2023-10,“Willingness, Tradition, or Zoning? trategy Analysis and Development Planning for the Traditional Polder Landscape of Nansha”荣获IFLA国际风景园林师联合会亚太地区专业奖 分析与规划类 荣誉奖
[2] 2021-11,“富顺县城沱江两岸景观规划”荣获中国风景园林学会 科学技术奖(规划设计类)
[3] 2021-01,“Towards an Engineered Timber Civic Realm Post-Pandemic Wellbeing, on Hudson Valley's Urban Fringe”荣获匹兹堡平台设计竞赛 三等奖
[4] 2020-11,“会呼吸的路”荣获CHSLA中国风景园林学会设计竞赛 研究生组 二等奖
[5] 2020-11,“Carbon sink toolkit”荣获高迪建筑奖 城市设计类 第二名
[6] 2019-07,“Beijing Greenway”荣获IFLA国际风景园林师联合会亚太地区专业奖 分析与规划类 荣誉奖
[7] 2018-09,“The rebirth of Chong”入围巴塞罗那国际景观建筑双年展
[8] 2018-07,“Symbiosis with river trace”荣获IFLA国际风景园林师联合会学生设计竞赛 二等奖
[9] 2017-09,“Landscape in Evolution: Creating a Resilient Nomadic Landscape from Bottom up in Hulunbuir”荣获ASLA美国风景园林师协会学生奖 分析与规划类 荣誉奖
[10] 2017-11,“涌生/重生”荣获CHSLA中国风景园林学会设计竞赛 二等奖
[11] 2017-05,“那景·那人”荣获第十二届中国(南宁)国际园林博览会广西园设计竞赛 一等奖
[12] 2016年4月“Grace of flood”荣获IFLA国际风景园林师联合会设计竞赛 二等奖